SVMCM Income Certificate (Official Proforma PDF) Process & Guide

Income certificate is an essential document for applying to the Swami Vivekananda Merit-cum-Means (SVMCM) Scholarship. This article provides a detailed guide on its importance, the process of obtaining it, and a step-by-step method to ensure your application is hassle-free.

Importance of Income Certificate for SVMCM Scholarship

  1. Verification of Eligibility: The scholarship is awarded based on financial need. The income certificate confirms your family’s income level under 2.5 Lakhs per Annum.
  2. Mandatory Requirement: Without the income certificate, your application will be considered incomplete.

To apply for the SVMCM Scholarship, you can use either:

  • Offline Income Certificate: Proforma provided on the official SVMCM Proforma.
  • Online Income Certificate: Issued via the e-District portal.

Note: SVMCM requires annual income. Therefore, it is advisable to use the offline income certificate in the Model Proforma for Income Certificate format provided by the scholarship portal.

Area TypeSteps to FollowAuthority
PanchayatApply online → BDO Office with ProformaBDO Office
MunicipalityCollect from Obtain an income certificate issued by your Municipal Councilor → Submit Proforma to OfficeExecutive Officer / Deputy Commissioner / Group-A Officer

How to Make Income Certificate for Panchayat Areas

Students residing in rural areas should follow these steps:

  1. Online Application on e-District Portal:
    • Collect an income declaration letter from your Panchayat Pradhan.
    • Download the Model Proforma for Income Certificate from the official SVMCM website.
    • Apply for the online income certificate through the e-District portal.
  2. Offline Process at the BDO Office:
    • Submit the special proforma and the online-generated income certificate at the Block Development Office (BDO).
    • Get the income certificate certified with the annual income mentioned.

How to Make Income Certificate for Municipality Areas

Students residing in municipal areas must follow these steps:

  1. Collect Required Documents:
    • Obtain an income certificate issued by your Municipal Councilor.
    • Download the Model Proforma for Income Certificate from the SVMCM portal.
  2. Submit to the Appropriate Authority:
    • Take the proforma and the councilor’s certificate to:
      • Executive Officer of Municipality (in case of municipalities).
      • Deputy Commissioner of Corporation (for corporations).
      • Group-A Gazette Officer (if required).
    • Get the income certificate prepared with the correct annual income details.

Also Check: Documents Required for Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Fresh & Renewal Application

Important Regarding Income Certificate

To apply for the Swami Vivekananda Scholarship, you must have the Yearly or Annual Income mentioned. So, you have to generate income certificate offline in Proforma of Income Certificate sent from official website of Swami Vivekananda Scholarship.

Download Model Proforma for Income Certificate 2023-24 (pdf)

Model Proforma for Income Certificate can be downloaded directly from the official portal of Swami Vivekananda Scholarship . For your convenience, the following link is provided, you can directly download it –

For both Panchayats/Municipalities(2023-24) Latest
New Official Website of Swami Vivekananda

Know More: Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Eligibility & Courses

1. Can I use a digitally verified income certificate from the e-District portal?

Yes, but make sure it mentions the annual income. If it states monthly income only, you should opt for the offline process.

2. Where do I apply if I live in a Panchayat area?

You must visit the BDO Office with the Panchayat-issued income certificate and the downloaded Model Proforma.

3. Where do I apply if I live in a Municipality area?

Submit your documents to the Executive Officer of the municipality, Deputy Commissioner, or a Group-A Gazetted Officer.

By following these guidelines, students can ensure a smooth and error-free process for their Swami Vivekananda Scholarship application.

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13 thoughts on “SVMCM Income Certificate (Official Proforma PDF) Process & Guide”

  1. Sir the current financial year is 2024-25 , but the given model proforma of income certificate is 2023-24 why?

  2. My father is salaried, should I still fillup the form (it says for non salaried parents)
    And if not what should I do?

  3. Raniganj is an municipality under municipal corporation then from whom should I get the income certificate signed ?

  4. I obtain income certificate(official proforma) from my councilor and executive officer also issue certificate in his pad .I want to know do I submit both in PDF format?

  5. Sir, I am currently studying in the first year of polytechnic. I am now applying for Swami Vivekananda scholarship. If I apply with my secondary school results, I will not do it with my higher secondary school results. I have already received money once in secondary school.

  6. My e district income certificate showing monthly income. The authority made that and my teacher uploaded that will there be any issues . I don’t understand pls tell me

  7. Sir I am under municipality area, but I have taken the income certificate from BDO Office. Is it valid or do I have to obtain it from Municipality EO only?

  8. Sir in our BDO office,when we went with proforma they told us to take it via edistrict portal . Can we summit this online income certificate where annual income is mentioned?

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