SVMCM Helpline Number (Contact) & Support Email

SVMCM Helpline Number and Problem Solve 2023-24: You all know that a support number has been launched by Bikash Bhavan to help the students who apply for the Swami Vivekananda Scholarship. In today’s article, going to give you a detailed update on how to call for help and email if there is any problem regarding the SVMCM Scholarship.

SVMCM Helpline Number 2023-24

If you have any problem or want to know anything while applying for Fresh and Renewal of Swami Vivekananda Scholarship, you can Phone Call to Helpdesk Number or you can tell about your problem through email.

UpdateHelpline Number
Academic Session2023-24
Helpline Phone Number+1800-102-8014 (Only official working days10 AM-4 PM)
Helpdesk Email[email protected] (any time 24/7)

How to Get Support by Phone Call (SVMCM Helpline)

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship has a method support and help for Students only by phone call.

Step 1: First call Swami Vivekananda Scholarship helpline number. Swami Vivekananda Scholarship helpline number is 18001028014. You must call the helpline during office hours i.e. between 11 am and 4 pm and except on holidays.

Step 3: When you call Swami Vivekananda Scholarship helpline number you will be asked about many options it will say “Dial 1 to know about Swami Vivekananda Scholarship” then you have to click 1.

Step 3: Next you will be asked for your Name and Application ID from the helpline. After Verifying those Details Helpline Executive will Help you and Solve your Queries Regarding your Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Application. Also, if you want to know more information about Swami Vivekananda Scholarship, you can easily get it from Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Helpline.

Check Your SVMCM Scholarship Status (Online)

SVMCM Contact Email: Solve your Problem

If there are later mistakes in your application or if you have a major problem with your application and you are unable to contact us by telephone, you can get help by email. You must send your application number along with your name through email and try to send the email from your registered email.

Another advantage of sending by mail is that if you have any documents to send, you can scan the PDF or attach a picture or an application form to the email. Which will be convenient to see from the Higher Education Department and Bikash Bhaban.

Also the applicants who have already completed the application for Swami Vivekananda Merit Scholarship can also get their problem solved from there by logging into the Official Helpdesk portal with their username and password. Visit » SVMCM Help Desk Portal

SVMCM Scholarship Last Date Fresh & Renewal (Check Here)

FAQS: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Helpline Number for the academic session 2023-24

    The helpline number is +1800-102-8014. It operates during official working hours, from 10 AM to 4 PM on regular working days

  2. When can I call the SVMCM Helpline Number?

    The helpline is available during official working hours, specifically between 10 AM and 4 PM. It is not operational on holidays.

  3. Can I get support via email for Swami Vivekananda Scholarship?

    Yes, you can email your problems to [email protected]. Ensure you include your application number and name in the email. This service is available 24/7.

  4. Can I send documents through email for problem resolution?

    Yes, if you need to submit documents, you can scan them and attach them as PDFs or pictures in the email. This facilitates the Higher Education Department and Bikash Bhaban in reviewing your case.

In summary, for any concerns or questions regarding the Swami Vivekananda Scholarship (SVMCM) application for the academic session 2023-24, you can reach out for assistance through the dedicated helpline. Simply dial +1800-102-8014 during office hours (10 AM to 4 PM on working days) or email your queries to [email protected] at any time. Remember to include your application number and name in the email for a smoother problem-solving process.

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33 thoughts on “SVMCM Helpline Number (Contact) & Support Email”

  1. I have passed Madhyamik exam in 2022 but still I have not received the scholarship money… Please help me

  2. স্যার,
    আমি মাজদিয়া সুধির রঞ্জন লাহিড়ী মহাবিদ্যালয় এর ভূগোল বিভাগের চতুর্থ সেমিস্টার এর ছাত্রী। আমি SVMCM -বৃত্তির ফর্ম ফিলাপ করতে গিয়ে দেখছি যে আমারBa /BABachelor of Arts)করা আছে। কিন্তু আমার Admit Card সহ সব কিছুতেই BSC করা আছে।। কিছুতেই সেটা কে ঠিক করা যাচ্ছে না।। আপনি যদি একটু দয়া করে (BA/BSC) টা unlock করেন।। আমি আমার পড়া শোনার দিকে খুবই উপকৃত হব।। আপনার কাছে আমার অনুরোধ।। দয়া করে একটু দেখবেন।।

  3. I am student of Government College of Nursing Burdwan.
    When I check my status it is showing”HOI verification is not in order”.
    I have re-upload the documents…after verifying in college.
    But still it is showing
    What can I do now

  4. I am a BTech candidate Student I have 60% percentage marks in semester I did renewal then after why did my application rejected??After I uploaded rectified documents also so please help me for my scholarship verification I called helpline number and I did mail also but can’t help.

  5. I ve sent all the documents required sir but no response is coming from this
    Applicant Id – WB1231701871055

  6. স্যার আমার অ্যাপ্লিকেশন স্টাটাস দেখাচ্ছে
    Application Approved (amount not disbursed yet)

    এটা অনেকদিন ধরেই দেখাচ্ছে কিন্তু এখনো আমি টাকা পেলাম না

    প্লিজ হেল্প করুন স্যার

  7. Sir ami 5.1.2024 e b.ed swamibibekananda scholarship from fillap krechilam. 8.1.2024 theke forwarded by hoi dakhache. New kono update nei. Kbe taka pabo sir?

  8. স্যার আমি kazi nazrul university এর Msc physics এর 2nd sem এর student.
    গতবছর (2023) ডিসেম্বর মাসে আমি svmcm scholarship এর জন্য আবেদন ও আমাদের institute থেকে forward করাই. 6 মাস হয়ে যাওয়ার পরেও এখনও স্ট্যাটাস দেখাচ্ছে Application Approved ( Money Not Disbursed Yet). আমাদের department এ শুধু মাত্র মুসলিম community থেকে যারা belong করে, বেছে বেছে শুধু তাদের টাকা ঢুকেছে তাও আবার ভোটের আগের মাসে.. কিন্তু তারা আমাদের পরে Application submit করেছে..আমার প্রশ্ন এরকম কেনো হচ্ছে? আর আমাদের university থেকে second sem এর admission fees চেয়েছে.. কিন্তু দেওয়ার মতো আমার কাছে 1 পয়সাও নেই.. আমি ভেবেছিলাম আপনারা আপনাদের কাজটা ঠিক ভাবে করবেন.. আমাদের department থেকে last date দিয়েছে এই মাসের 15 তারিখের মধ্যে টাকা জমা দিতে হবে.. নাহলে Exam দিলেও খাতা check হবে না.. আপনাদের কাছে আমার অনুরোধ আপনারা দয়া করে টাকাটা disburst করুন.
    কারণ টাকাটা না পেলে আমাদের মত অনেক ছেলে মেয়ে সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হচ্ছে,!

  9. Sir,after class 12, i admission in College for ug course (bsc)…and besides i am preparing for neet…. In College if i applied for swami vivekananda scholarship which amount is 18,000… After 3 years later (2024) i get a government medical College…. Then i also applied Swami vivekananda scholarship.. In medical College… Which amount is 60,000 per year)…??. Because both are under graduate Course based on 12, there are any problem?

  10. Sir I admitted in Bankura Sammilani Medical College…in 2024 -25 season…in MBBS degree course…I want to get svmcm scholarship…what is the amount ?? I already applied in 11 and 12 class…so when I renew it ?? Is the scholarship past away ?

  11. I Suparna Choudhury, My SVMCM Application number WB2229351950406. My scholarship amount sanctioned but no credit in my account. But why sir ???

  12. Sir amar documents gulo upload korechilam but scanner e poor eschilo bole rejected kora hoyechilo then ami rectified document upload korechi with self declaration but akhono kono update nei…..Kobe asbe taka sir??khubb problem e achi

    • স্যার,2023 সাল এর জুলাই মাসে আমার আগের বছর এর পেমেন্ট ফেল্ড হয়েছে আমার ব্যাংক এর সমস্যা জনিত কারনে। এখন আমি সব thik করিয়ে নিয়েছি। আপনি যদি টাকা টা পুনরায় পাঠানোর ব্যবস্থা করেন তো খুব উপকৃত হতাম।

  13. Sir amar documents gulo upload korechilam but scanner e poor eschilo bole rejected kora hoyechilo then ami rectified document upload korechi with self declaration but akhono kono update nei…..Kobe asbe taka sir?

  14. আমি একজন B.A ফাস্ট সেমিস্টারের স্টুডেন্ট আমার এখনও স্কলারশিপ র্ফম ফিলাপ হয়নি ৷

    দয়া করে যদি বলেন আবার করে র্ফম এপ্লাই শুরু হবে


  16. আমি 2023-24সালে কলেজে ভর্তি হই এবং আমি swami vivekananda scholarship apply করি কিন্তু অমার্ bank account টি minor থাকার টাকা টি এসেও Transaction failed হয় এবং তারপর আমি helpdesk Number এ যোগাযোগ করি আর অমার্ documents গুলো বিকাশভবন এ জমা করি কিন্ত্ এখনও অমার্ টাকা আসে নি
    আপনারা এই বিষয় টি একটু দেখলে আমি খুব ই উপকৃত হব

  17. I am trying to register for the scholarship.
    I have field all the data properly and when I am clicking the register button its showing my name is not matching to the boards data but I have checked multiple times all the data correct and matching.
    Kindly tell me what should I do now for registering

  18. Respected Sir/Madam,

    I am writing regarding the submission of my second-year documents for the Swami Vivekananda Scholarship. I have successfully obtained my first-semester result and possess the physical copy for submission. However, for my second semester, I had opted for a review of my results. The reviewed result has been released, and my marks have increased. Unfortunately, I have not yet received the physical copy of the reviewed second-semester result from the university.

    Given that the deadline for submission to the college is approaching on 15th December, I kindly request your guidance on how to proceed. Is there an alternative method to submit the reviewed marks, such as using the online result or any provisional document?

    I would appreciate your prompt response so I can ensure timely completion of my application process.

    Thank you for your understanding and support.

  19. I got 57.9 percent marks in higher secondary. I have a pwd certificate. Can I apply for Swami Vivekananda Scholarship?

  20. Respected sir,

    I took Mtech admission in Seacom skills University which is located Birbhum district. Sir in svmcm scholarship during registration course details not showing. I contacted helpline line number they said contact college & visit college people to Bikash bhavan 9th floor. When I contacted college they said already they visited & submit. But till now registration option not available. Please solve my problem as soon as possible, take it very serious way otherwise it’s really difficult for poor students.
    If SVMCM scholarship option not open by 27.01.2025, I will forward this mail & inform to Central Bureau of Investigation & HRD ministry of India. Because I informed college, I informed SVMCM helpline & District administrative officer by mail & by phone call also.
    As a Citizen of India I have rights to get scholarship.

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